I want to try and do some good photographic work for this project,.. and try to do some work using colour which I rarely do.
I've been looking at a lot of portrait type work and would quite like to do something like that for this project. Maybe linked to the idea of "alienate". The process of taking someone's photo could be said to be an "alienating experience",.. certainly it can create hostility,... it also seems to me to be relevant to the fact that some photographers are very disengaged and objective about their subjects,. where others try to show a more emotional,"meaningful" image of a character.
Need to look more into ideas written about this subject,.. i know Roland Barthes mentions alot about the process of "becoming an image" and the "relationship between subject and photographer" and Sontag seems to be echoing alot of those thoughts in "On Photography" which I have nearly finished. Could try and isolate some of these ideas to explore.
Some definitions:
- Main Entry: alien·ate
- Inflected Form(s): alien·at·ed; alien·at·ing
1 : to make unfriendly, hostile, or indifferent especially where attachment formerly existed
2 : to convey or transfer (as property or a right) usually by a specific act rather than the due course of law
3 : to cause to be withdrawn or diverted
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