Friday, 2 October 2009

Website Development

Today I have been developing the website,.. adding on more thumbnails and pages so that the site supports 20 images rather than 10 which seemed a little too few to be cohesive. I also played around with the order to try to find a sequence that worked in order and as a whole. I tried to start and end strongly and to mix the composition and subjects to keep the sequence dynamic.

More from the Pentax. 400 ISO film.

Trying out some shots with more emphasis on other parts but the face,.. such as hands and objects like photo frames. I tried out my close up x3 filter on the Pentax which allowed me to focus really close,.. however the focus seems to be a bit out on some of the images which I used the filter for,.. and the grain seems increased.

I have also taken a film on my Holga just to play around with some medium format. However it apparently takes up to 2 weeks to get back so I prob won't see the results before the conclusion of the project which is a shame.

Thursday, 1 October 2009

Some portrait work. Veiws through windows and doors.

Tuesday, 29 September 2009

Further Research

I found this website whilst looking for inspiration for some further development ideas for my project. There is a wide variety of work but some is really interesting.

I really like the image above,.. it made me think maybe I should try some night photography to add variation to my series,... though I'm not sure if this would work with the rest of the images.

Sunday, 27 September 2009

Web design. I wanted to do some web design as part of this project,.. possibly as a final piece, since I think it's a useful skill and one I have been wanting to develop since the Web design project. I wanted to create a very simple design to display my images at their best. The design is simple so as not to distract from the images but I wanted it to be easy to navigate so I used a hover thumbnail menu as well as "last" and "next" arrows. I also created an Info page for any text I want to accompany the images.

So far its I've got the site functioning with 10 image pages, an info, and a thumbnails page. I need to add more info and play around with my choice and order of images for the series.

I used J-Edit for the HTML and CSS edit for the CSS.

Saturday, 26 September 2009

Pentax k1000. Boots Colour film ISO 200. Processed Jessops.

Familiar objects/ memories etc.

I want to create some variation in the series by including objects/ memories in some of the images. In some of these images I have both the objects and the subject in the frame but I also want to do some of just objects to add variation.

Pentax k1000. Boots Colour film ISO 200. Processed Jessops.

I noted from my research that the colour images which worked best tended to be those where colours or patterns recurred, such as clothes matching the colour of the wall behind etc. I wanted to experiment with this using a red dress against the red of the arm chair. I also wanted to try some different view points and angles since the angles I'd used to this point had all been rather similar and I wanted to add variation to make any series more dynamic. I think the red of the dress and the sofa has worked quite well and contrasts with the white walls so the take on a blue tint which offsets the red nicely. They don't quite have the simplicity which I liked in the previous shots but I will need some variation in composition otherwise the set of images will seem repetitive and dull.

Pentax k1000. Boots Colour film ISO 200. Processed Jessops

Again I like the simplicity of the colour. I wanted to mix up the composition and include more foreground or background items to give the images depth and variation. I love the simplicity of the composition of the top image. Although the lamp partially obscures her face the subjects face is still very much the focus of the image and there is no distracting background imagery.

Bathroom series. Pentax k1000. 200 ISO Film - Boots own. Colour. Processed by Jessops onto CD.

Focus on views through doors/ past walls etc and using colour well. Nice depth of field. I think my attempts to make strong use of colour has worked, using limited colour and natural light on the white walls means there is a united feeling of colour and its not too distracting. The top image is my favourite I think. I like the way her face is partially obscured.

Friday, 25 September 2009

Pentax k1000 Colour film. Kodak ISO 400.

Some of my favourite images fro this film. Was trying to acheive some nice portrait shots using natural lighting and soft colour. I like the effect of the light through the blinds etc. I also really like the shots which are partially through doors/ past walls etc. Reminds me of the work on which I looked at before. Would like to do more work like this. Need to try out some more interesting compositions and vary the subject. Could maybe make some kind of book out of the images if I had time? or just present a set of nice final prints.